Fun Things to Do During The Lockdown (Corona Virus-COVID 19)

Life has been KRAY-ZEE since the lockdown, hasn’t it? And the one question that we’ve been asking ourselves a million times is, “What the heck am I supposed to do?????? Yeah that’s right, with so many question marks.
So, I’ve come up with a list of fun/interesting things you can do while you’re sulking at home.
- Read
The most amazing and my personal favourite thing to do when bored is reading. It’s so much fun. Pick up any book you bought 150 years ago and then forgot about it. Here’s a list of books you can read when you’re bored:- Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Series
- Dork Diaries: Series
- Goosebumps: Series
- Harry Potter: Series
- Percy Jackson: Series
- The fault in our Stars
- The 5 AM Club: Series
- The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
- Who Will Cry When You Die
- Collections from Sudha Murty
- Treasure Island
- Journey to the Centre of the Earth
- Peter Pan
- The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
- Collections from Shakespeare
- Three Men in a Boat
- Silent Defiance
- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
- Tom Sawyer
- The Canterville Ghost
- Akbar Birbal: Series
- The Invisible Man
- Time Machine
and the list goes on and on….
I know there are so many, right! These books are available on Kindle or other online mediums. Download them from play store and have fun!
- Take up Journaling
Journaling can be fun during these days when you can’t burst up in front of your family and pour your heart out. Write down all you feel. It is very stress-relieving. You can read what you write and it may help you find the root of your happiness/sadness and can help you out. To get more information on journaling and its benefits, visit - Declutter Your Room
Now, I know this is the most boringest task in the whole world. This is soooooooooooooo boring that I’m coming up with my own words to describe it. But then again, it’s always better if you get to live in a room that’s not like it got hit by a hurricane or more like you stay in a pig stay or something. After you clean it, you might get to see how your room actually is - Make your selfie game strong
Now that you finally have some time in your OWN hands, try making your selfie game strong. However that doesn’t mean you’re gonna bury your head in your phone all day long. You can always take up your cell for a few minutes and take all those cool photos you wanted to, or use one of those funky stickers and filters available on photo editing apps like B612 or Snapchat etc. - Take Naps
Naps are by far the best thing to do when bored. When you’re busy, you can’t really spare a few minutes and just relax, so having plenty of time in hand, a nap might really help. But naps are meant only for like a few minutes, maybe 30 to 40 minutes. Take care you take NAPS and not BEAUTY SLEEPS, i.e. you slept in the afternoon and woke up the next morning, missing a whole day of your life - Listen to Music/ go for karaoke
Listening to music is also a great time killer. Put up your favourite song and crank up the volume really loud, and sing to the top of your lungs, be it off key! Let your inner voice bang on! - Build a fort/tent/whatever you call it
Take up some old blankets, shawls and pillows and try to build a fort/tent/whatever you call it. You can either build it in your balcony or even in your room. Enjoy some snacks in there as well! - Play board games/cards with your family
You can finally spend some time with your family now that everyone is free. Board games are always so much fun and entertaining (unless of course, there’s no educational stuff involved) - Binge watch series/shows
I know everyone here dreams about the Netflix and Chill thingy, so why don’t you finally start a good series/watch a good movie now that every night is basically a Saturday night? - Complete your assignments/work
Now that there’s a lockdown, schools have been trying to keep up with the syllabus and they’ve been sending online assignments and tests so that we don‘t miss out on anything (I know it’s totally obnoxious, but still!), so homework is a MUST do (if you are in school/college) - Meditate
Doing Yoga might help bring some peace to your mind after all the things going around, so you might wanna try that out - Dwell into the past
Take up an old album, re-live all your memories.It’s always so much fun to look at old albums and think about ‘those days’ when life was so simple yet worth remembering forever. Also, it’s kinda nice when people say that you were “cho chweeet” when you were a kid, isn’t it?
- Style Your Clothes
Well, even though you’re not stepping outta your homes (and right minds), this can be a great opportunity to mix-‘n’-match your tops and bottoms and wait until you create a masterpiece! - Learn a new language
Learning a new language can be fun. I mean, you can pick any language you like, like Spanish for instance and learn a few phrases/sentence (try singing Despacito/Mi Gente/Se Vuelve Loca /Con Calma or literally any Spanish song fluently). - Try Some of Those Cool DIYs
YouTube is loaded with DIY videos and crafts. Try doing them. You can either do some origami or try any other crafts you like, like making an oven with Popsicle sticks. - Cooking
Cooking is so much fun! You can really cook anything you want, even try your own recipes. Be a good helping hand to your mom/wife/sister when they are preparing food for the family. You can also bake cakes since they’re so easy and don’t require a lot of stuff, and who knows, you might even be able to open a bakery after the lockdown! - Catch up with your old friends/family
You can video call your friends or family, ‘coz no one’s BEE-ZEE now and you can talk for hours and hours and hours or till you phone battery drains out. - Workout
Exercise might really whip you into shape now that you don’t have any lame excuse not to workout. Just a few jumping jacks and sit ups might do it. You can also climb up/down the stairs a few times or take a….. House Walk? - Housework
Now that’s everyone at home, there’s gonna be a lot of work for Mumma and Papa, so try that. You can start dusting, sweep the floor, mop the floor, unload the dishwasher, wash clothes or for that matter any other household chore. - Stay away from negativity/rumours
Now, I know it’s not something you can do for TP, but at least you can do your share by just NOT giving people panic attacks or breakdowns. Verify the information you share as the government can’t really control all of it. So, Be Careful What You Send For! - Watch Television
Come on, is this even a thing to be suggested? This is just amazing; you can spend hours watching T.V. at the same time munching on your fav snacks. - Dance/Zumba
Yeah! Pull up some Dance/Zumba/Aerobics video on your T.V. and copy the dance moves and chill. It’s always fun, and who knows, you can even be a Dancing Diva in the future! - Read My Blogs!
Another A-Ma-ZING thing you can do when bored is read my blogs! I write on different topics which I am sure you will like them. I’ll keep adding more articles frequently, so you won’t ever run outta them.I think this is more than enough for this version of lockdown.
This is probably the best period of one’s life, one which may never ever ever (me singing Baby in my mind) come into their life again. So, dude, just enjoy this time to the fullest.